Candidate assessment reports can easily be sent from within the candidate report to anyone with a valid email address! This means that managers, interviewers, and other key stakeholders can access specific assessment reports as needed, without having direct access to the Outmatch platform.
Sharing Assessment Reports
To share the candidate report with others, simpy open the candidate report and click on the Share button on the far right end of the report. The option to Share the candidate report is available at the top of every tab from within the Candidate report i.e. Overview tab, Key Insights tab, Interview tab, etc.
In the Share section, you have the option to either include or remove the scoring and to configure which sections of the report to share.
The Overall and Competency level scoring, where applicable, is included on every Selection Report by default. To include the Overall and Competency level scoring on the candidate report, simply ensure that the Show Score option is enabled as shown below:
If you do not want to share the Overall and Competency level scores, de-select the Show Score option as shown below:
Please Note: Both the Overall and Competency level scoring will be excluded on the candidate report when the Show Score option is disabled. You cannot exclude the Overall Score without excluding the Competency level scoring and vice versa.
Below is a screenshot of how the Overall scoring appears on the report when Show Score is enabled vs. disabled.
Below is a screenshot of how the Competency scoring appears on the report when Show Score is enabled vs. disabled.
The Competency level scoring will still be mapped on the bar graph next to the competency name, but the scoring in Blue Bold to the left of the competency name will not appear when the scoring is disabled.
Configure Your Report
All sections of the report are enabled to be shared by default. However, there may be times when you only want to share certain sections of the report. For example, you may want to only share the Overview and Interview sections with a manager interviewing a candidate. Or perhaps you only want to share the Succeed section to allow a manager to run the candidate's results against other roles within your organization.
When sharing a report, you have the option to choose which report sections to send by selecting or de-selecting the desired section(s). Report sections marked as Selected will be sent to the recicipient. In the below example, all report sections will be shared with the recipient.
To remove report sections, simply click on the Selected option next to the report section. Report sections marked as Select will not be sent to the recipient. In the below example, only the Overview and Interview report sections will be shared with the recipient.
Please Note: The option to include the Succeed report section is not available on reports that do not include scoring. Scoring must be enabled to run Succeed reports. If you opt to suppress the scoring, the Succeed report section will be greyed out. Please see example below:
Sharing the Report
Once you have selected the report sections you want to share, enter the recipient(s) name into the Recipient(s) Email Address section. The Subject and Body will populate with default Outmatch messaging, but you can edit both sections if desired. You also have access to basic formatting and token options when crafting the Body of your email. When you are satisfied with your messaging, click SEND. The Shared Report Email will immediately be sent to the recipient(s).
Still Need Help?
If you still have questions, please contact Outmatch Support at Please include:
- Your first name and last name
- Organization
- And a detailed description of your question
Our business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time. We try to respond to all requests the same day if the request is received by 3 PM Central Time.