The Succeed Module
The Succeed module allows you to compare the assessment results for candidates and high potential employees across similar jobs and for potential future roles within your organization. Navigating the Succeed module is easy and can be completed in just a few clicks when viewing an individual's assessment report.
To get started, navigate to the Succeed module within an individual's assessment report.
By default, the report will show an empty Succeed comparison chart in preparation for selecting the scoring profile(s) to be evaluated alongside the individual's original assessment.
Next, click on Choose Jobs to see the list of available jobs/assessments that this candidate's scores can be run against.
Job Selection
When selecting scoring profiles against which to compare the individual, you will have immediate access to all the available and similar profiles that are pre-configured in your dashboard.
You can select up to 4 jobs to compare. Once you have added your selections, click on START to view the Succeed results.
A few notes on job selection...
The Succeed module works by applying an individual’s assessment responses to the scoring profiles of other available Jobs in your account. Only Jobs with the same underlying assessment questions will be displayed on the Job Selection screen. If you do not see a particular job displayed on the Job Selection screen, this means that the job is not eligible for Succeed because the set of underlying assessment questions are not the same.
Jobs are organized by the underlying Hiring Profile. You may notice that several roles leverage the same Job Profile, which indicates that the scoring is the same. To get the most out Succeed, select Jobs that are linked to different Job Profiles.
Competency-based and trait-based scoring profiles are determined by the type of assessment for each role. Competency Match profiles will show Top Scoring Competencies in the Succeed overview, and trait-based profiles will show Leading Strengths and Potential Weaknesses.
Review Succeed Results
Succeed Scores will populate based on the profiles selected.
Review the results for any of your selected profiles by clicking on View Report next to the desired Job.
The Succeed Report provides the full Overview, Key Insights, Interview, and Development sections aligned with the selected Job profile – all without any action by the candidate/employee!
Important Note: Succeed reports do not include Ability Measure results. Succeed Reports display the Behavioral or Competency Match results ONLY. If Succeed is being run against a job that includes additional Ability Measures, please note that the Overall Match Score on the Succeed Report will only reflect the Behavioral or Competency Match results:
Pro Tip
Succeed Reports can be run for any individuals who have completed the assessment, including high potential employees who took the assessment as part of the application process. When considering promotability or succession planning within your organization, return to the Succeed module to review potential at the next level.
View Succeed Reports
Succeed Reports include the same sections as the assessment report, with a Match Score of predicted success in role:
Overview: a high-level overview of the individual’s assessment scoring
Key Insights: deeper insights to the individual’s potential in role for the selected profile
Interview: if the individual is being considered or interviewed for a different role, leverage this Interview Guide to ask job-relevant questions targeted for the new role
Develop: for employees being considered for or who are newly promoted to a new role, share the Succeed Onboarding and Development Guide for targeted development
Share Succeed Reports
Navigate to the Share feature.
Determine if the Overall and Competency level scoring should be shown to the recipient and enable or disable the scoring accordingly.
Configure which pages of the report should be included and enter recipient(s) email address.
Click Send to Share!