Once on the Outmatch platform you will not be able to see the interview questions in advance of the interview/assessment.
You will be shown a Welcome Video and Interview Hints & Tips Video to explain how the process works.
You will be given a practice question to get familiar with the platform. You can re-record yourself as many times as you need until you feel ready to continue to the timed interview questions.
The timed interview questions will be shown on your screen and you will be given a short period of preparation time to think about your answer before the recording starts automatically.
Once the recording starts you can give your answer. On the top right-hand side, you would be able to see a countdown timer showing you how much time you have left to answer the question. You can answer until the recording time ends or you can click on the ‘Stop’ button manually to submit (in case you are done answering early).
Tip: If you get distracted by your own image on the screen you can use the ‘Blur my Video’ Option above your camera feed. This will blur the video on your screen only – the reviewer/hiring manager will see you clearly when viewing your interview.
You will have a Video Upload Confirmation in between questions. Click 'Continue' to proceed to the next question.