Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I change the language in my account?
A. Absolutely! As an account admin you can manage the account language in your "Account Settings" within "Branding". This setting determines the language that candidates see for the application.
Any other user can manage their language preference in "My Preferences" within "User Information".
Q. How will I know when candidates have completed their video interview?
A. Notifications will be sent your way when there are video responses ready to be reviewed. You can set your personal preference on the frequency of these notifications (immediately, daily, weekly) by:
- Going to "My Preferences"
- Going to "Personal Notifications"
Q. Can I change my email templates?
A. Indeed you can! Start by going to "My Account" in the upper right side of your screen, choosing "Account settings" and clicking "Email Customization" where all of your email templates will be displayed. From here, follow these simple instructions:
- Click the email template you wish to edit, change the message as needed
- "Save changes" after completion (these changes will apply to all the emails you send from the WePow platform)
Make note: Do not change or delete what’s inside the "Available Inserts." They are essential in personalizing both your information and the candidates' information. Additionally, avoid removing email content: "For any technical questions make sure to reach out to" so candidates know how to contact WePow as needed.
Q. How can I search for candidates?
A. Searching is a cinch. You can search for candidates by name or email.
- Go to the "Candidates" tab (you will see the full list of candidates you invited to respond to an interview)
- Sort your candidates by their name, email or creation date
- You can use the "Search" field to easily find your candidate
Q. Are candidate’s names and email addresses linked in your system?
A. Yes. It is important to note that if you have invited your candidate to complete an interview more than once using different email addresses, multiple candidate records will appear when searching for candidate by name.
Q. What if a candidate doesn't have a webcam?
A. No problem. Recent studies show that more than 80% of computers have some sort of web cam attached or built in. Your candidates can always visit a public space with Wi-Fi, borrow a friend's, visit their local library or use one of our candidate mobile apps (iOS and Android)!
Q. How can I access my account analytics?
A. PRO and ENTERPRISE users have access to account specific analytics. The "Insights" tab found in the upper left side of your screen details Interview Stats, Candidate Feedback, Candidate Results and all historic data from the first day of use.
Q. What metrics should I track to measure the success of video interviewing?
A. A major objective in introducing video interviewing to your hiring process is the time you save your recruitment team, the cost associated with interviewing, and the quality of your hires.
In order to accurately know the effectiveness of video interviewing, measure the following information BEFORE you start using Wepow Interview:
- Your average time-to-hire
- Average number of open positions per year
- Average number of candidates per job opening
- Average time invested in phone screening candidates per position
After the first three (3) active months of using Wepow Interview, you can properly compare your previous metrics with your current ones.
Q. Where does WePow recommend we record our video questions and transitions?
A. Please review our "Best Practices" information for ideal recording set-up.
Q. Can I record my interview questions and transition videos from a mobile device?
A. Because a quality candidate experience begins with your video interview, WePow only allows the recording of video interview questions from PC's and laptops. However, reviewing your candidates' responses on a mobile device is possible through our WePow recruiter app!
Q. What types of videos can I record for my interviews?
A. WePow gives you the ability to record and add three (3) types of videos to your video interview.
- PROMO VIDEOS. Give candidates insight into the heart of your organization. This is usually commercials or marketing materials.
- TRANSITION VIDEOS. Give your candidates a warm welcome, introduce yourself and set the stage for an amazing interview experience. Transition videos are also a great way to wrap up the interview and thank them for participation.
- QUESTION VIDEOS. When using WePow Screen (pre-recorded video interviewing) you record your video interview questions using your computer's web cam, just as you would ask them. Our platform gives you the ability to set the amount of time you give your candidates to think about their answer and the amount of time they have to answer.
Q. Are there examples of commonly asked questions and appropriate greetings?
A. We've got you covered. Please review our "Best Practices" information for examples of both.
Q. Are my videos saved for later use?
A. Of course! Any video saved within your WePow account is stored and available to review in your library under the "Resources Tab", for as long as you have a WePow account.
Q. How can I add videos from the Resources Library to my interview?
A. Easy. Within your Interview Tab, click on the "New Interview" button. Then choose the videos you wish to add one by one: Promo Video, Transition Video or Question Video, etc. A pop up will appear. By selecting the "Add from Library" button you will have access to all saved and previously recorded videos.
Q. Can I tag my questions?
A. Most certainly. Tagging your questions will save you time when building new interviews, especially if you have already recorded a large number of videos.
You can use the tags as folders and create and edit as many as you need.
Q. How do I tag my questions?
A. Go to your Resources Tab and follow these simple steps.
- Click on "Transitions" or "Questions" depending on what you wish to tag
- Click on the desired video question
- Type the name of the Tag in the "Add/erase tag" section
- If you want to create a new tag you can do so by clicking the "++ button" on top of the Tag Section to the left of your panel
- Examples of Tag Names: Basic Questions, Sales, Marketing, Finance, Senior Level, Entry Level, etc.
- You can use the "Search" field to easily find your tagged questions
Q. How can I edit a question or transition video?
A. Simple, starting by hovering over your "Resources" tab and then follow two simple steps.
- Click on "Transitions" or "Questions" depending on what you wish to change
- Click on the desired transition video – once the pop up box appears you will have the option to choose to edit wording, spelling, time-to-think, time-to-answer or recording yourself again
Q. What type of technical support does WePow offer and how do I contact support?
A. Your level of support will vary based upon your WePow. Interview plan. But all users have complete access to the WePow Academy at their disposal.
- FREE & LITE users have 8/5 live chat and email support (
- PROFESSIONAL users also benefit from 24/7 live chat support
- ENTERPRISE users also benefit from our world class client relations team with a dedicated point of contact understanding your business challenges and needs
Q. How many questions can I include in a pre-recorded interview?
A. You can add up to twenty-five (25) questions on any pre-recorded interview. However, best practice is to use between 5-8 questions when replacing an initial phone screen and 12-15 questions when replacing a more in-depth interview. Any more and the candidate experience is lessened by a time consuming process.
Q. How should I best utilize the Interview Info. section?
A. We have found higher interview completion rates when the Interview info section includes the title or role the candidate is interviewing for.
Q. How can I review candidate responses?
A. Simply select the desired interview where a list of your candidates' completed interview responses will appear. You will know they are ready to be reviewed when a screenshot of the candidate(s) are visible. Click on the candidate(s)' screen shot and you will directly be taken to their response videos that will automatically start to play.
Q. How can I share candidates' responses with others?
A. Within the WePow platform you can share candidate videos with hiring managers and other team members individually or in groups. The "Share Candidate" button is located above your candidates' responses.
Upon clicking this button a window to enter a hiring manager's or other team member's email(s) will appear. You can also leave additional comments.
Comments saved will be available at the bottom of the candidate’s video interview for reviewing by all involved in the hiring process.
Q. How can I compare candidates responses?
A. When you click an Interview four (4) folders to manage your candidates will appear:
Go to Pending and click on "Compare All Pending" on the left hand side of your screen. This allows you to compare candidates per question and approve or dismiss them.
Don't worry, no notifications of approval or dismissal will be sent to your candidates unless you want them to. More information on approving and dismissing candidates can be found under: How should I use the approved and dismissed folders?
Q. How should I use the approved and dismissed folders?
A. When reviewing candidates you will have two options on the right of your screen (Approved and Dismissed). After reviewing your candidates' video responses, you can move them through the process and into the appropriate folder by clicking on "Approved" or "Dismissed." You can also move candidates to and from folders as many times as you need. And of course, you can share with your hiring managers.
Q. Can I edit an interview?
A. Yes, as long as you haven't invited candidates to the interview. Once an interview has been sent to candidates editing is no longer an option. This is to ensure all candidates have the same interview experience (same questions).
Q. Can I duplicate an interview?
A. Of course! You can duplicate/clone a video interview and change, add, or even remove video questions by navigating to your interview list and clicking on the pinwheel drop down on the right hand side of your interview title.
Q. Can I send candidates notifications regarding their next steps through WePow?
A. Yes, and personalized ones at that, via email. Once your candidates are organized in the appropriate "Approved" and "Dismissed" folders you can follow these simple steps to send notifications:
- Click on the candidates you wish to notify
- Personalize the content and add links as needed
- Click on "Send a notification"
- WePow will not send automatic acceptance or rejection emails; those correspondences must be managed manually
Q. Can I tag my interviews?
A. You sure can. We know that tagging is very useful when managing multiple job openings from different business units. Because of that, you can add more than one tag to any interview.
Q. How do I tag my interviews?
A. Find the desired interview on your interview page. Click the pinwheel drop down to the right (pictured below) and select "Edit Tag". You will be able to add any of the preset tags to your left. If you would like to create your own custom tag simply use the orange + button to your left.
Q. How can I search for a particular video interview I created?
A. Go to your "Interview List" and type the interview name in the "Search" field. We strongly recommend you use "Tags" if you have a large number of interviews within your account.
Q. What types of questions should I ask in a video interview?
A. Open ended questions that answer basic requirements candidates must have for the open position you are interviewing for. A few things to consider:
- What are the non-negotiable questions (possibly technical) that the hiring manager is looking for?
- Consider questions that assess how a candidate will fit within your company culture and values – these are great when evaluating non-verbal language.
Please review our "Best Practices" information for a list of recommended video interview questions.
Q. How can I access the Interview Analytics?
A. Select the desired interview. On the right side you will find three sub-tabs: "Candidates", "Settings" and "Statistics". Click on "Statistics" and you will find the interview stats you are looking for.
Q. How can I see if my candidate(s) started their interview?
A. Select the desired interview. A complete list of candidates having been sent the interview will appear. Candidates having completed the interview will have a snapshot and candidates still needing to complete their interview will appear in gray.
For further candidate interview information hover over the small icon on the left side of each applicant profile -- five (5) details will be displayed:
- Delivered
- Viewed
- Link Clicked
- Started
- Completed
Q. What is the "Public Link"?
A. WePow's Public Link is a powerful candidate attraction tool. This link (interview specific URL) can be used by you or your company to engage or invite candidates through social media or bulk email invites.
Q. How do I access the "Public Link"?
A. Select the desired interview. Located on the right side of your screen you will find three tabs: "Candidates", "Settings" and "Statistics". Choose "Settings" and select the box next to "Public Link" and click "Copy". You can now paste this interview specific URL where you like (social media, job postings, career site, etc.).
Q. What happens to the link once the candidate completes their interview?
A. After an interview is completed the link expires. Candidates cannot retake interviews and will be notified of the completion if they attempt to complete the interview again.
Q. Will my interview expire?
Only if you set an interview deadline. When creating your interview you have the option of setting an expiration date (# of days) on any individual video interview. Adding a deadline is available within your Settings. To access your interview Settings follow these steps:
- Select the desired interview
- Select the Settings tab from the three (3) tabs in the upper right corner (Candidates, Settings, and Statistics)
- Once in Settings you can add your video interview deadline